What are Exogenous Ketones June 22, 2020Exogenous means, made outside or external, so its a scientific way of saying ketones that were made, not produced by the body, these are called endogenous ketones. The great thing...
Should I be taking supplements? June 22, 2020The use of supplements can assist with meeting your electrolyte and nutrition needs, particularly when starting out. You can do a triathlon on a mountain bike, but it's not very...
Can I go Keto if I Don't want to lose weight? June 22, 2020Keto is not only about losing weight. Cutting carbs and sugars from your daily diet can improve your health and wellness while effortlessly taking control of your weight. As an...
As a keto newbie... how do I keep track of everything? June 22, 2020You can’t measure what you don’t track! Most people struggle with knowing what foods contain and what the macronutrient split is between Carbs, Fats and Proteins in each food, never...
What is Keto Flu? June 22, 2020Not everyone experiences Keto flu, for those that do, this refers to a set of symptoms that people may experience when they start the keto diet. These are usually minor...
Can I cheat and still be keto? June 22, 2020Having a cheat day once or twice per week might feel like a good idea but ultimately will make your adaptation process longer and push out the timeline to achieve...